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The Creation of the First AI-based Lifestyle Magazine: An interview with Jörg Salamon

The AI-based lifestyle magazine PANTA RHAI will be released soon. It will be on April 10th, 2023. As part of an exclusive interview, ChatGPT squeezed one of the makers behind PANTA RHAI, Jörg Salamon, and brought some exciting information to light.

How did the idea for the magazine come about? How was AI integrated into the production of text, images and graphics? And what challenges did you have to overcome?

In our conversation you will learn how PANTA RHAI acts as a pioneer in the world of AI. Let yourself be surprised and learn more about the hype about artificial intelligence.


Why did you decide to design and produce an AI-based magazine like PANTA RHAI?

That's a good question. After I noticed the hype about AI and especially ChatGPT that could be felt all over the world, I had to try various tools immediately. The results were really impressive. Suddenly I understood quantum mechanics because the AI was able to explain the subject at an elementary school level. Just right for me. And I was able to create high quality graphics. me! In fine arts I always had a 4-! However, I soon realized that the results are meaningless if you don't see or use them in a specific context. Hence the idea of the magazine. Also to show that it doesn't have to be just gimmicks.

That sounds really exciting. What does the process of creating a magazine like PANTA RHAI look like? What role does the AI play in this?

In the beginning there is just the idea. Hey, let's make an AI-based magazine. Then we came up with a main topic and asked the AI for a table of contents for the complicated bracket. We then either had text or images produced first. That was always different. You know what you need for each story first. By the way, this was my first magazine ever. Otherwise, I only dealt with publications as a reader.

Many thanks for your response. That sounds really exciting and shows how the AI was integrated into the creative process of the magazine design. Is there a particular challenge for you personally when producing an AI-based magazine?

There are even several. Depending on the type of requirement, the challenges can be weighted differently. For example, if the content is extremely fact-heavy, it makes sense to conduct a manual and human fact check. It wasn't always easy to have the images produced the way I wanted them. But that's also because you first have to get used to how you "talk" to the AI. This happens via so-called prompts.

And it takes a while until you know a lot of tricks.

It is interesting to hear what challenges can arise when producing an AI-based magazine and how to overcome them. Are there any concrete plans or ideas for the future as to how PANTA RHAI should develop?

PANTA RHAI will be published monthly for sure. Definitely digital, but perhaps also as a print magazine. The topics will be complex, but always have a focal point. In this issue it is the topic of time. We also hope for a lively exchange with our readers in order to be able to set topics that they would like to have illuminated.

That sounds like an exciting development for PANTA RHAI. I can well imagine that the readers will appreciate the opportunity to get in touch with the magazine and help shape topics. Do you also have concrete plans on how to actively involve the readership?

In some cases, we asked readers for feedback and opinions as early as the first issue. The exchange will take place via the classic channels such as Twitter, Instagram & Co. But you can also give us a call. We even answer the phone.

It was a pleasure doing the interview with you and learning more about PANTA RHAI and its origin story. Here is my last question:

In your opinion, are there other ways to enter the world of artificial intelligence, apart from the conception and production of an AI-based magazine?

Yes, there are many options. Of course, what makes sense and what doesn't also depends to a large extent on the respective company and its employees. This can be, for example, the development of a completely own AI application based on internal company data. Here I am thinking, for example, of the analysis of customer communication data in order to identify customers who are willing to leave at an early stage, for example. There are already various tools on the market for this, with which reliable models can be developed in a short time. The magazine also serves primarily as a demonstration of what can be possible with AI at short notice based on individual requirements. And on this path we would like to accompany all people and companies who need to talk about this from now on.

I enjoyed conducting this interview with you and I am available for further discussions about your work in the field of artificial intelligence.


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